India’s Defense Minister, Rajnath Singh, has started a new insurance program for Casual Paid Laborers (CPLs) working with the Border Roads Organisation. This plan gives a Rs 10 lakh insurance payout to the family if a CPL dies. This step is taken considering the high risks CPLs face, like dangerous work areas and health hazards. The insurance is a way to support and encourage CPLs working in remote parts of the country. It also helps secure their families’ future. Other recent benefits for CPLs include improved funeral support and immediate financial help in case of death.
Family to get insured value of Rs 10 lakh. as insurance in any kind of CPL death
It may be recalled that the Raksha Mantri had recently approved many welfare measures for the betterment of the CPLs. These include:
· Preservation & transportation of mortal remains and Transport Allowance entitlement of the attendant.
1· Enhancement of Funeral Assistance from Rs 1,000 to Rs 10,000.
2· Advance payment against ex-gratia compensation of Rs 50,000 as immediate help in case of death etc.
(Posted On: 13 JAN 2024 10:03AM by PIB Delhi)