“The President expressed her happiness addressing the conference, highlighting the substantial contribution of self-help groups in empowering marginalized and disadvantaged sections of society, particularly women. She emphasized our commitment to developing India by the time we celebrate a hundred years of independence. To achieve this goal, fostering self-reliance is crucial. This can only happen when every woman in the country becomes self-reliant and empowered.”
The President said that women empowerment and equal participation of women in the work-force contribute significantly to social and economic progress. No country can move forward by ignoring 50 percent of its population. Important international studies and estimates highlighted that India’s GDP could increase significantly if participation of women were equal to that of men in the work-force.
Several steps have been taken to improve women’s participation in the work-force and the quality of their employment. Many protective and supportive provisions have been included in labour laws.
Many government’s schemes have proved helpful in raising the standard of living of women. The government has also taken major steps towards ensuring political participation. Recently ‘Nari Shakti Vandan Adhiniyam’ has been passed in which there is a provision to reserve one-third seats in the Lok Sabha and Legislative Assemblies for women.
The President said that we have to ensure that every citizen of the country is economically and socially empowered and it is necessary that the rift of gender gap be filled as soon as possible.